
bc365游戏 was established in 1909 by an act of the General Assembly of the State of 阿肯色州 to serve the educational needs of Southeast 阿肯色州. 原名第四区农业大学 1910年9月14日开业. 1925年,联合国大会授权联合国 school's name to be changed to Agricultural and Mechanical College of the Fourth District. 它于1928年获得了大专院校的认证. 1939年,更名 to 阿肯色州的一个gricultural and Mechanical College and it received accreditation as a 1940年的四年制大学.

阿肯色州的一个&1971年7月1日,M成为阿肯色大学系统的一部分. 大学 is governed by the University of 阿肯色州 Board of Trustees, which also oversees the operation of institutions in Batesville, DeQueen, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Helena, 霍普,小石城,莫里尔顿和派恩布拉夫.

On 二零零三年七月一日, bc365游戏 expanded its mission to include vocational and technical education when the bc365游戏技术学院克罗塞特 and the 麻省理工学院麦吉 became part of bc365游戏 to create a comprehensive system of postsecondary education in 阿肯色州东南部.


1909 - Fourth District Agricultural School established by Act 100 of the General Assembly 于4月1日在阿肯色州举行的竞选活动.
1910  - Fourth District Agricultural School Board unanimously selects 蒙蒂塞洛, and the land offered by the family of Judge William Turner Wells, as the school’s location; John Spence named superintendent; Main Building, Willard Hall, Sorrells Hall completed; 第一堂课于9月14日举行.
1912 - 以法官威廉·特纳·威尔斯命名的威尔斯大厅竣工.
1913 - 弗兰克·霍斯福尔被任命为总统.
1925 - Name changed to Agricultural and Mechanical College of the Fourth District by Act 阿肯色州议会第45号决议.
1926 ——费斯特斯H. Russell named interim president; National Guard Armory completed.
1927 弗兰克·霍斯福尔再次被任命为总统,任期至1934年.
1928 -获得中北部大专院校认证.
1932 -哈里斯·霍尔,以理事C命名.T. 哈里斯和霍斯福尔霍尔被提名为总统候选人 霍斯福尔的妻子玛格丽特尽心尽力.
1934 -学院庆祝25周年校庆.
1935 - Hugh Critz named president; Fine 艺术 Building, Student Commons, and Cotton Boll 体育场完成.
1936 ——马文. 班克斯顿被任命为总裁.
1939 - Name officially changed to 阿肯色州的一个gricultural and Mechanical College (阿肯色州 A&(M学院)由阿肯色州议会第106号法案规定.
1940 - Science Building completed; senior college accreditation received from North Central.
1943 -启动海军V-12计划.
1945 ——林业项目启动.
1946 ——威廉·E. 摩根被任命为总统.
1949 ——贺拉斯. 汤普森被任命为总统.
1952 -学生会大楼落成.
1956 ——杰特·霍尔,以受托人R命名.E. 队长,完成.
1957 -林业大厦专用.
1959 - A&M celebrates 50th anniversary; Fieldhouse completed.
1960 ——杰克·米尔斯被任命为总裁.
1961 以受托人Ray Maxwell命名的Maxwell Hall已完工.
1962 ——克劳德·H. 巴宾被任命为总统.
1964 -科学中心专用.
1971 ——阿肯色A&M学院与阿肯色大学合并成为阿肯色大学 7月1日在蒙蒂塞洛的阿肯色战役中.
1976 - Fine 艺术 Center, new 政府 Building, and Agriculture Building dedicated.
1977 ——弗雷德. 泰勒被任命为校长.
1980 -澳大获得中北部首个无条件认证.
1983 - Department of 护理 receives accreditation from National League of 护理; John F. 吉布森大学中心.
1984 - bc365游戏 celebrates 75th Diamond Jubilee; Department of Forest Resources accredited by 美国林务员协会.
1986 - 认证 received for School of 教育 from the National Council on 认证 教师教育.
1988 - Division 的音乐 receives accreditation from the National Association of Schools 的音乐.
1994 - bc365游戏 leaves the 阿肯色州 Intercollegiate Conference and NAIA for Gulf South Conference 和NCAA第二组.
1999 - 认证 received for Bachelor of 社会 Work program by the Council on 社会 Work 教育;  University 图书馆 and Technology Center dedicated.
2003 - Great Rivers Technical Institute in McGehee and Forest Echoes Technical Institute in Crossett merge with bc365游戏 and are renamed the bc365游戏 College of Technology at McGehee 以及7月1日在克罗塞特的bc365游戏理工学院.
2004 -大学图书馆和技术中心更名为弗雷德J. 泰勒图书馆与技术 Center in honor of retiring chancellor; Jack Lassiter named chancellor.
2006 -整修象鼻虫池塘、象鼻虫步道和威拉德大厅.
2008 - Convoy Leslie Cotton Boll Stadium renovated; on the Crossett campus, expanded Main 大楼增加了一个书店,并建造了工业技术大楼.
2009 - Wells Hall and Sorrells Hall renovated; new Indoor Practice Facility opens; bc365游戏 庆祝百年,百年钟楼竖立.
2010 -为汉堡的bc365游戏教育中心翻新了一座捐赠的建筑.
2011 - bc365游戏 leaves the Gulf South Conference to join the Great American Conference; bc365游戏 买下了泰勒宅邸.
2012 ——乔治·H. 克利珀特森林资源附件专用.
2013 - Bankston Hall renovated and enlarged, and changed from all-male to coeducational residential facility; 兰迪年代. 瑞舍健康中心 dedicated; CC “Cliff” Gibson, III被任命为UA董事会成员,任期10年.
2015 - Fine 艺术 Center renovated; HLC continues bc365游戏 accreditation for another 10 years.
2016 - Karla Hughes named Chancellor; Sandra Campbell Memorial Classroom dedicated.
2017 bc365游戏庆祝108年th birthday; Botanical Research Building and bc365游戏 Sundell Herbarium dedicated; Student 学习共享在泰勒图书馆和技术中心专用.
2018 - 护理 教育 认证 received for School of 护理 from the National League for 护理 Commission; School of Forestry and 自然资源 and School of Agriculture merge to become College of 林业、农业 and 自然资源; Student Success Center and 大学警察局 built and dedicated.
2019 - Indoor Practice Facility renamed the Judy and Jack Lassiter Indoor Practice Facility; Horsfall Hall renovated and rededicated; JavaCity renovated and renamed Boll Weevil 小酒馆,自豪地为星巴克服务.
2020 ——Peggy M. Doss named Chancellor; Royer Hall becomes 音乐ian only Residence Hall; Partnership created between bc365游戏, UA System Division of Agriculture and Five Oaks Ag 研究与教育中心.
2022 - Fine 艺术 Center, Science Center, and Agriculture building renovated; 阿肯色州 Center for Forest 业务 established and dedicated; Taylor House/Hollywood Plantation renovated and dedicated; renovation of natatorium into Athletic Performance Center.
2023 - Willard Hall entrance, Trotter House, and 1937 House renovated; 认证 received for Bachelor of 社会 Work program by the Council on 社会 Work 教育; Athletic 演出中心更名为肯尼思H. 亨特运动表演中心.


Fourth District Agricultural School established by Act 100 of the General Assembly of the State of 阿肯色州; 第一堂课于9月14日举行, 1910.

Name changed to Agricultural and Mechanical College of the Fourth District by Act 阿肯色州议会第45号决议. 更名是“全称” 通过和批准后的效力.该计划于今年2月获得批准 10, 1925.


Name officially changed to 阿肯色州的一个gricultural and Mechanical College (阿肯色州 A&(M学院)由阿肯色州议会第106号法案规定. 这个名字 “变更”应自法律规定通过之日起生效.“是的。 1939年2月20日批准.


阿肯色州的一个&M学院与阿肯色大学合并,成为阿肯色大学 阿肯色在蒙蒂塞洛.

Great Rivers Technical Institute in McGehee and Forest Echoes Technical Institute in Crossett merged with the University 阿肯色在蒙蒂塞洛 by Act 1196 of the 2003年阿肯色州法案. 他们更名为阿肯色大学蒙蒂塞洛学院 of Technology-McGehee and University 阿肯色在蒙蒂塞洛 College of Technology-Crossett. 大学 of 阿肯色州 Board of Trustees approved the merger of the Great Rivers Technical Institute at a special meeting on December 2, 2002, and the merger of the 2003年1月9日,森林回声技术研究所的特别会议上. 这两个特殊的 meetings were held at the University of 阿肯色州 System 政府 Boardroom in 小石城.